Prepared by Melanie Carroll

    Our prayer calendar which has a prayer for every month

    For 2024 we would like to offer these monthly themes as a way of helping us to foster a continual cycle of reflection, support, and growth throughout the year...


    1. January - Unity in Diversity:

    Let us pray for the unity of Interchurch Families, that amidst our diverse traditions and denominational beliefs, we may find strength in our shared love for God and one another.


    2. February - Understanding and Respect: 

    May this month be filled with prayers for deeper understanding and respect among family members, embracing the richness of our differences in faith.


    3. March - Family Bonding: 

    Let us pray for stronger family bonds, that our shared moments and mutual support may strengthen our relationships despite our varied religious traditions and practices.


    4. April - Wisdom in Challenges: 

    May we seek wisdom and guidance in navigating the challenges arising from our differing traditions and beliefs, approaching them with grace and understanding.


    5. May - Gratitude for Shared Values:

    Let us express gratitude for the shared values and beliefs that unite us, celebrating the common ground we stand upon as Interchurch Families.


    6. June - Reconciliation and Peace:

    This month, may our prayers focus on fostering reconciliation and peace, both within our families and within the broader Christian community.


    7. July - Learning and Growth:

    Let us pray for a spirit of continuous learning and growth, embracing opportunities to deepen our understanding of each other's denominational traditions.


    8. August - Support and Community: 

    May our prayers be for the support and encouragement of the wider community of Interchurch Families, sharing our experiences and offering mutual aid.


    9. September - Dialogue and Understanding:

    Let us pray for open and constructive dialogue with other faith traditions, promoting mutual respect and understanding.


    10. October - Grace and Humility:

    May this month be dedicated to prayers for grace and humility, recognizing that our differences can be sources of growth and learning.


    11. November - Patience and Compassion:

    Let us pray for patience and compassion in our interactions, allowing space for differing viewpoints and embracing each other with kindness.


    12. December - Celebrating Unity:

    May our prayers this month celebrate the unity found within our diverse Interchurch Families, rejoicing in the love that binds us together.

    If you go to our Social Media and our Diary section you will also find some weekly or daily prayers on these themes.


    1 Corinthians 10

    As we face the new year, may we pray and work towards unity in our lives, churches, countries,

    and our world.

    John 13:14; Galatians 5:13

    This month we pray for our brothers and sisters in the Pentecostal and Charismatic churches

    Mark 9:50; 1Thessalonians 5:13

    Please pray for the members of the Society of Friends and the Churches Together in England

    Forum taking place at The Hayes, Swanwick.


    Romans 12:10

    In the month in which Easter falls please pray for the Salvation Army especially for the work

    they do in their local communities.

    Romans 12:16

    Pray for the leaders and members of the United Reformed Church.

    1 Corinthians 16:20; 2 Corinthians 13:12

    Please pray for everyone throughout the world who are members of an Orthodox church

    1 Corinthians 12:24-25

    Pray this month for the Lutheran Church and all its members and leaders.

    Ephesians 4:2; Colossians 3:13

    Please pray for the Methodist Church in the UK and for initiatives they run such as Take Time

    Ephesians 4:32; 1Thessalonians 5:15

    Please pray for the leaders and members of Baptist churches

    Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16

    Pray for St Paul’s Learning which provides a variety of learning opportunities which have been developed for online usage and also for the New Testament in a Year Community which is a group of people praying and sharing with each other the New Testament online

    1Thessalonians 5:11; Hebrews 3:13

    This month we are asked to pray for the people of the Roman Catholic church and for those

    who belong to other Catholic rites.

    Matthew 2

    As the year draws to a close, please pray for reconciliation, unity and inclusion for all our

    churches that we may approach the new year with hope.

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