Welcome to this website written by, and for, couples in which each of the partners belongs to a different Christian denomination - we also have your (and our) clergy very much in mind as well. We are often referred to as Interchurch Families (or by the more general term “mixed marriages” - especially in the Roman Catholic church).
Although interchurch couples are united in their faith and their marriage, they can sometimes face spiritual challenges and needless difficulties through lack of up-to-date information despite the enormous advances in the approach, and even the rules, of our churches in recent years.
The purpose of the following pages is to make sure that interchurch couples and anyone who is supporting them, has easy access to that information – especially priests, ministers and pastors.
Support is also available from the Association of Interchurch Families. Founded in 1968 it provides; a Support Network, an Information Service for interchurch couples and those concerned with their pastoral care and a Voice in the Churches – by keeping the pastoral needs of interchurch families on the agenda of church leaders and communities – at all levels.
Please note that interchurch families are not the same as inter-faith families where the partners are members of different religions. If your interest is in such families further information can be found at www.interfaithmarriage.org.uk
The Association gives interchurch families opportunities to meet other couples in a similar situation and to share experiences. More Here. It often helps to know that you are not the first to have faced such issues!
As well as considering potential challenges, we also explore how we can help our churches learn from our experience of making Christian unity work every day. For, as Pope John Paull II recognised, we “live in our marriages the hopes and difficulties of the path to Christian Unity”
Pope John Paull II
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3rd Floor,
20 King Street,
Telephone: +44 (0)20 3384 2947
Email: info@interchurchfamilies.org.uk
Registered Charity No. 283811